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Gears of War, an Xbox 360 exclusive game that blends tactical action with survival horror, thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing tale of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. The storyline plays out like a Hollywood blockbuster -- lead character Marcus Fenix pits advanced human technology against the overwhelming Locust Horde. Built around a revolutionary third-person tactical combat system and breathtaking, high-definition visuals from the Unreal Engine 3, Gears of War immerses you in a horrifying tale of war and survival. The gameplay is focused on a fire team co-op so advanced that your A.I. teammates are indiscernible from human players. Voice recognition and real-time lip synching heighten the absorbing experience.
The Unreal Engine 3 technology brings out the smallest details in the largest of battles. With GOW you're sure to experience a rich, dynamic world where characters spring to life. Speaking of life, the battlefield is a lethal place. To survive, you must suppress your enemy with blindfire, take cover in interactive environments, and use weapons and teammates to outwit your dreaded, inhuman foes. And with a title like GOW, it would be shame if you couldn't get online and challenge live gamers.
With the next-generation of Xbox Live, you'll be able to experience individualized matchmaking, view player statistics, earn player achievements, customize games, and build personalized gamer profiles.
- Engaging and disturbing cinematic story.
- Movie-like cut scenes, cinematic camera moves and in-game storytelling bring the brutal, emotionally charged narrative to life.
- Gamers control Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they pit advanced human technology against the overwhelming and horrific Locust Horde.
- Fire team co-op action.
- Gamers will experie
- Gears Of War
- Gears of War
- 18
- Microsoft
- English
- Xbox 360
Bezorgen & retourneren
Gears of War, an Xbox 360 exclusive game that blends tactical action with survival horror, thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing tale of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. The storyline plays out like a Hollywood blockbuster -- lead character Marcus Fenix pits advanced human technology against the overwhelming Locust Horde. Built around a revolutionary third-person tactical combat system and breathtaking, high-definition visuals from the Unreal Engine 3, Gears of War immerses you in a horrifying tale of war and survival. The gameplay is focused on a fire team co-op so advanced that your A.I. teammates are indiscernible from human players. Voice recognition and real-time lip synching heighten the absorbing experience.
The Unreal Engine 3 technology brings out the smallest details in the largest of battles. With GOW you're sure to experience a rich, dynamic world where characters spring to life. Speaking of life, the battlefield is a lethal place. To survive, you must suppress your enemy with blindfire, take cover in interactive environments, and use weapons and teammates to outwit your dreaded, inhuman foes. And with a title like GOW, it would be shame if you couldn't get online and challenge live gamers.
With the next-generation of Xbox Live, you'll be able to experience individualized matchmaking, view player statistics, earn player achievements, customize games, and build personalized gamer profiles.
- Engaging and disturbing cinematic story.
- Movie-like cut scenes, cinematic camera moves and in-game storytelling bring the brutal, emotionally charged narrative to life.
- Gamers control Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they pit advanced human technology against the overwhelming and horrific Locust Horde.
- Fire team co-op action.
- Gamers will experie
- Gears Of War
- Gears of War
- 18
- Microsoft
- English
- Xbox 360
Beste reviews
Klantrecensies zijn onafhankelijk en vertegenwoordigen niet de mening van Zavvi.
Gears of War
Nadat de mensheid 80 jaar lang oorlog heeft gepleegd om brandstof, komt er een nieuwe vijand naar boven. Deze vijand, de Locust, is sterk, meedogenloos en valt niet mee te communiceren. Ze leven ondergrond en kunnen op alle plekken uit de grond komen. De reden van hun aanvallen is niet eens bekend. De mensheid heeft het grootste deel van de aarde zelf verwoest om de Locust hun grondstoffen te ontnemen en een deel te vernietigen, maar ze staan nog steeds erg sterk. In het spel speel jij als sergeant Marcus Fenix en maak je deel uit aan de belangrijkste operaties tegen de locust. Gears of War is een third person shooter met een duister sfeertje en een erg mooie grafische stijl. De besturing werkt erg lekker en draait vooral om dekking zoeken achter pilaren, omgevallen bomen, zandzakken en dergelijke. Je hebt een groot wapenarsenaal tot je beschikking waaronder een machine geweer met een kettingzaag, een sateliet die op jouw wenken een dodelijke laser kan schieten en nog veel meer. Gears of War is een absolute topper die in elke game collectie thuishoort.
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